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Earth Hour: Turn Off Your Lights

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global event that encourages people to turn off non-essential lights for one hour to demonstrate support for the environment. 

  • Saturday March 22, 2025  8.30-9.30pm (local time around the world)

  • Raise awareness about environmental issues and human role.

  • We can small changes to protect our community

  • Turning out lights is a simple step

  • Taking first step leads to next one

  • Many small changes make a big impact

Light pollution harms

  • Human Health: Artificial light disrupts sleep cycles, increases risks for obesity, depression, diabetes, and even certain cancers. 

  • Ecosystems: Wildlife behaviors like migration, reproduction, and feeding are disrupted, affecting pollinators and other species vital to ecosystems  

  • Energy Waste: Excessive lighting contributes to unnecessary energy consumption and climate change

What we can do at home

  • Turn off unnecessary lighting indoors and out

  • Outdoor lighting > eliminate uplighting, shield porch & other lighting, use motion detector lighting where practicable, switch to amber bulbs, shield lights that can blind drivers

  • Unplug unused appliances as they still draw current  >> scavenger hunt for plugged-in appliances w kids