ReWild Community Gardens Program


See the new 2024 ReWild Community Gardens!

creating sustainable garden communities

A ReWild garden is a space that promotes biodiversity and climate resilience using native perennials as a core component of the design (over 50% of the space). We use this term to encompass gardens that feature permaculture practices, responsible (non-invasive, pollinator friendly) ornamentals, organic vegetables, composting, soil building and other earth-friendly practices. These gardens are important as “pollinator stopovers” for native and migratory fauna and insects. Free of pesticides and harmful chemicals, sustainable gardens clean our soil, water and air for a healthier Long Island.

ReWild's Mission

ReWild believes that winning hearts and minds to the cause of sustainable landscaping is the path to climate resilience, biodiversity, clean air and water, and contributes to the general well-being of Long Island residents. The Rewild Gardens program is at the heart of this mission, enabling communities across Long Island to create public rewilding spaces that combine beauty with sustainability, and inviting and educating neighbors about eco-friendly landscaping practices.

A brief history of the program

ReWild Long Island was awarded a grant from the Long Island Community Foundation in November 2022 to create sustainable gardens. The organization quickly put out a call to communities across Long Island, and was overwhelmed by the response. In Spring 2023, ReWild launched the ReWild Gardens Program with 11 gardens headed by schools, congregations, historic societies, and garden clubs.

Maggie Muzante was hired as the ReWild Gardens Program Manager. She is a Farmingdale State College graduate with a passion for creating gardens, photography, and art. Peter Meleady, a long-experienced consultant, was also brought on as co-chair of the Gardens Program. With the help of Maggie, Peter, the ReWild board, and a host of volunteers, 11 different gardens were successfully designed and installed across Long Island by June 2023.

Samantha Jo joined as the Garden Project Manager in 2024. She holds her Master Composter and Permaculture Design Certification. She has experience in regenerative agriculture and continues to grow in her urban home garden in hopes of inspiring more local growing.

How the Program Works

The ReWild Gardens program works by identifying committed groups of volunteers with rights to a feasible garden location and access to water. These groups are willing to create a public rewilded garden space and commit to weekly maintenance for two years.

ReWild provides professional garden design/installation consulting, land clearing/preparation, free plants, garden supplies, irrigation, signage, on-site maintenance and weeding advice, as well as help in getting more community members involved with the project. ReWild and the group both commit to a 2-year term of engagement that enables perennial plants to establish, and the volunteer group to develop expertise in maintenance.

For more information, please email

Thank you to our 2023 Garden Program recipients!