ReWild Garden by Bellport Garden Club


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Located in the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society, Bellport, NY

The Bellport Garden club has been in existence for almost 100 years, and has promoted the love of gardens, landscapes and trees since its inception. One of the main thrusts of the Club today is to inspire local gardeners to adopt environmentally sound practices and to encourage sustainable gardening. The two gardens we maintain at the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society are on a beautiful historical site and draw many visitors. We believe that the re-wilding of those spaces will encourage others to consider native and pollinator friendly plantings.

The gardens are just settling in. A few of the plants have been nibbled away but for the most part they are thriving. Later in the summer, when the flowers bloom abundantly, we will be eagerly watching for the butterflies and native insects who benefit from these plantings.

There is joy to be had in discovering that plants we might once have considered weeds are actually beautiful, as well as beneficial. There is an aesthetic shift happening in Bellport Village, and elsewhere, as we move away from exotic imports and learn to enjoy the plants that thrived here well before we arrived.