How to Maintain Your Spring Garden: Best Methods to Benefit Birds, Bees & Other Wildlife with Anthony Marinello, Dropseed Native Landscapes [Video]

Anthony Marinello founded Dropseed Native Landscapes to provide Long Islanders with the guidance and skills needed to transform the island into a life-sustaining Native Plant Oasis for humans and wildlife alike.

This endeavor incorporates Anthony’s lifelong appreciation of nature and yearning to bring wildness back to Suburbia. It all began with childhood summers exploring the backwoods and creeks of the Hudson Valley, which led to researching the wildlife and plants of the New York Metropolitan area. It grew with Biology studies at Nassau Community College, when he began gardening with Native Plants, and led to a Permaculture Design Certificate through the Center for Bioregional Living, in Ellenville, NY. 

Anthony has been featured in Newsday and The Long Island Herald for his work as a Native Plant Gardener as well as for his work educating the public on the ecological benefits of native plants. He was elected to the Board of the Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) in 2021.

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