We believe that gardening can be a fun, safe and socially beneficial activity in these trying times. That inspires us to proceed with the plant sale this year, while taking the following precautions to keep our volunteers, members and the general public safe.

  1. We do not require vaccination of volunteers or of rewilders coming to pickup plants. We assume that people may not be vaccinated and ensure Covid-safety on that basis.

  2. Volunteers will be socially distanced and wearing protective gloves/masks at all times while handling and distributing plants.

  3. Volunteers will work in shifts to ensure that the workload is shared.

  4. Volunteers will spray disinfectants on the outside of (rubber) gloves to prevent contamination & transmission.

  5. Volunteers will be using sanitized tools, and plant trays and not sharing tools with one another.

  6. The plant sales will be online orders only. No money will exchange hands on site. Refunds will be handled via checks directly from our bank.

  7. We request that customers text ahead so we get your order ready.

  8. Curbside pickup only – your plants will be set down when you drive in.

  9. Bring your own single-use cartons (Amazon delivery boxes or plant trays) for additional safety. Please pickup plants from the ground and put in your car. Customers DO NOT enter fenced area of Thomas Dodge Farm.

  10. We recommend that everyone wear gloves and masks (as appropriate).

  11. We request that no more than 2 or 3 cars wait at any time. We will communicate a staggered pickup schedule that will prevent bottlenecks.

  12. When you get home, please leave the plants outside in your yard. Please wash your hands thoroughly.

  13. Let plants sit for a day or two to eliminate any trace of virus. Please water plants as necessary — smaller plants require daily moisture. Plant after third day.

If you have any additional suggestions or special requests, please send them to

