ReWild / West Suffolk Chapter
Where we are
We are the chapter of ReWild Long Island that covers the Town of Huntington, Deer Park, Kings Park and nearby
who we are and how to contact
Chairs: Duong Vu & Betsy Mantell
Email us at
What we do
Our local programs include monthly maintenance at the Long Island Greenway Rain Garden (First Sunday 8am-10am and Third Thursday at 10am-noon, April-November, weather permitting) and growing organic vegetables for local food pantries at Gateway Community Garden. We meet at least twice a week there for watering and harvesting. Volunteering slots and dates can be found at our Activity Sign Up Page!
Programs in development: Join us to create additional events!
Upcoming chapter meetings and events include volunteering opportunities at various locations. Sign up here.
Join ReWild / West Suffolk by filling out form at the bottom of the page. We are looking for assistance with tending to our garden beds at Gateway and monthly maintenance at Edgewood.
Read more about ReWild / West Suffolk below
Programs at West Suffolk

Edgewood Oak Brush Plain Preserve
Edgewood Preserve's Rain Garden: Newly installed fall 2023, this garden is now a thriving ecosystem. Despite challenges like fast-growing weeds, we’ve been rewarded with monarch butterflies, caterpillars, and flourishing native plants.
Maintenance days on the first Sunday and third Thursday of each month will resume in April 2025. We also hope to attract more community participation and partnerships to strengthen this beautiful space for wildlife and pollinators.
For more information, or to join us, email us at

Gateway Community Garden
Thanks to our amazing volunteers we donated nearly 200 pounds of fresh produce to the local soup kitchen in 2024! While modest, it’s a promising start, and we’re committed to increasing our impact next year with crops like broccoli, green beans, eggplants, zucchini, peppers, and squash—items most needed by the kitchen.
The Gateway beds are still producing! Collard Greens are thriving, and garlic has already been planted for next summer harvest. As we plan, we’ll need your help in April to clean, prep, mulch, and plant. If you’re an avid gardener or have extra baby plants, we’d love your support and plant donation!
For more information, or to join us, email us at
In the works…
Collaboration with REACH (Rotary Environmental Action Coalition of Huntington):
We are piloting a kelp study project at Gateway garden. We are using different application of local grown sugar kelp (a native aquatic plant) to see its effects in the garden. Sugar kelp is a known bio-stimulant. We are testing that! We are looking for participants to collect data and run reports!
We are working together to add more native plant gardens in the town of Huntington. Do you have a site that you would like to recommend?
We are calling Composting maven to manage a pilot community compost program!
Join ReWild Long Island/West Suffolk
Help stop hunger in our community, whether or not you have a green thumb. From planting and watering to weeding and harvesting, we’ll work together growing organic produce for local food pantries and shelters. The ReWild/West Suffolk garden plot is courtesy of Gateway Community Garden.
Got questions?
Email us at