Amber Waves in AMG
We’ll collect food scraps at Amber Waves on Saturdays through October 12, which is Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend.
In addition, we have an unstaffed drop-off, currently 7 days a week, near the EH LIRR station. Interesting in dropping off there — and you promise to remove all those pesky plastic produce labels? Email for details.
Drop off your food scraps.
We’ll take care of the composting.
Volunteer with us and help with outreach & education.
Get all the details at
Got questions? Email us at
Returns nutrients to our soils so our farmers can grow healthier vegetables
Provides habitat for native bumblebees and other pollinators
Decreases the impacts of droughts and floods
Reduces your carbon footprint
The drop-off table at Amber Waves Farm in Amagansett is Wednesday mornings 8am-noon. Bring your food scraps and meet the Amber Waves family, including the goats.
ReWild / East Hampton Compost is a collaboration between ReWild and the Town of East Hampton.
south fork chapter
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