Amelanchier canadensis 'Martin' ~ Serviceberry 'Martin' Cultivar / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Amelanchier canadensis 'Martin' ~ Serviceberry 'Martin' Cultivar / Large

Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spires' ~ Sweet Pepperbush 'Pink Spires' Cultivar / Large

Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spires' ~ Sweet Pepperbush 'Pink Spires' Cultivar / Large

2 available
Dasiphora fruticosa 'Dakota Sunspot' ~ Shrubby Cinquefoil 'Dakota Sunspot' Cultivar / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Dasiphora fruticosa 'Dakota Sunspot' ~ Shrubby Cinquefoil 'Dakota Sunspot' Cultivar / Large

Dasiphora fruticosa 'McKay's White' ~ Shrubby Cinquefoil 'MaKays White' Cultivar / Large Dasiphora_fruticosa_'Mckay's_White'_06.jpg

Dasiphora fruticosa 'McKay's White' ~ Shrubby Cinquefoil 'MaKays White' Cultivar / Large

5 available
Baptisia australis ~ Blue False Indigo / Large

Baptisia australis ~ Blue False Indigo / Large

1 available
Clematis Virginiana.jpg

Clematis virginiana ~ Woodbine / Large

6 available
Chelone glabra.jpg

Chelone glabra ~ Turtlehead / Large

2 available
Heliopsis helianthoides ~ False Sunflower / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Heliopsis helianthoides ~ False Sunflower / Large

Hibiscus moscheutos ~ Swamp Mallow / Large Swamp Rose Mallow.jpg

Hibiscus moscheutos ~ Swamp Mallow / Large

5 available
Liatris spicata.jpg

Liatris spicata ~ Blazing Star / Large

5 available
Veronicastrum virginianum.jpg

Veronicastrum virginicum ~ Culver's Root / Large

9 available
Zizia aurea.jpg

Zizia aurea ~ Golden Alexanders / Large

3 available
Athyrium filix-femina.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Athyrium filix-femina ~ Lady Fern / Large

Deschampsia cespitosa.jpg

Deschampsia cespitosa ~ Tufted Hair Grass / Large

10 available
Aronia melanocarpa ~ Black Chokeberry / Large LINPI_PlantSale_SpeciesSign_remaining 2020-page-020.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Aronia melanocarpa ~ Black Chokeberry / Large

Clethra alnifolia.jpg LINPI_PlantSale_SpeciesSign_remaining 2020-page-021.jpg

Clethra alnifolia ~ Sweet Pepperbush / Large

6 available
Myrica pensylvanica.jpg

Myrica pensylvanica ~ Bay Berry / Large

6 available
Vaccinium angustifolium ~ Common Low Bush Blueberry / Large

Vaccinium angustifolium ~ Common Low Bush Blueberry / Large

1 available
Vaccinium corymbosum.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Vaccinium corymbosum ~ High Bush Blueberry / Large

Viburnum dentatum.jpg

Viburnum dentatum ~ Arrowwood Viburnum / Large

1 available
Viburnum prunifolium.jpg

Viburnum prunifolium ~ Black Haw Viburnum / Large

3 available
Matteuccia struthiopteris.png
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Matteuccia struthiopteris ~ Ostrich Fern / Large

Eragrostis Spectabilis ncsu.jpeg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Eragrostis spectabilis ~ Purple Love Grass / Large

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' ~ Red Chokeberry 'Brilliantissima' Cultivar / Large Aronia arbutifolia - 2.jpg

Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' ~ Red Chokeberry 'Brilliantissima' Cultivar / Large

1 available
Comptonia peregrina ~ Sweet Fern / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Comptonia peregrina ~ Sweet Fern / Large

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' ~ Fragrant sumac 'Gro-Low' Cultivar / Extra-Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' ~ Fragrant sumac 'Gro-Low' Cultivar / Extra-Large

Cercis canadensis ~ Eastern Redbud / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Cercis canadensis ~ Eastern Redbud / Large

Ilex glabra 'Compacta' ~ Inkberry 'Compacta' Cultivar / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Ilex glabra 'Compacta' ~ Inkberry 'Compacta' Cultivar / Large

Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'.PNG

Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' ~ Scarlet Beebalm 'Jacob Cline' Cultivar / Large

3 available
Tiarella Cordiformis.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Tiarella cordifolia ~ Heartleaf Foamflower / Large

Panicum virgatum 'Shanandoah'.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' ~ Switchgrass 'Shenandoah' Cultivar / Large


Anemone canadensis ~ Windflower / Large

10 available
Lonicera sempervirens ~ Trumpet Honeysuckle / Large

Lonicera sempervirens ~ Trumpet Honeysuckle / Large

5 available
Prunus maritima.PNG

Prunus maritima ~ Beach Plum / Large

2 available
Ratibida pinnata ~ Grey Headed Coneflower / Large

Ratibida pinnata ~ Grey Headed Coneflower / Large

8 available
Sporobolus heterolepis.PNG
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Sporobolus heterolepis ~ Prairie Dropseed / Large

Hypericum prolificum.PNG
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Hypericum prolificum ~ Shrubby St. John's-wort / Large

Itea virginica 'Little Henry'.PNG

Itea virginica 'Little Henry' ~ Virginia Sweetspire 'Little Henry' Cultivar / Large

10 available
Oenothera fruticosa.PNG

Oenothera fruticosa ~ Narrow-Leaf Evening Primrose / Large

4 available

Salix discolor ~ Pussy Willow / Large

9 available
Solidago flexicaulis.PNG

Solidago flexicaulis ~ Zig Zag Goldenrod / Large

3 available
Achillea m. 'Sunny Seduction'.PNG
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Achillea millefolium 'Sunny Seduction' ~ Yarrow 'Sunny Seduction' Cultivar / Large

This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction' ~ Yarrow 'Strawberry Seduction' Cultivar / Large

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'October Skies'.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium 'October Skies' ~ Aromatic Aster 'October Skies' Cultivar / Large

Gelsemium sempervirens - ncsu.jpg

Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita' ~ Yellow Jessamine / Large

9 available
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' ~ Calico Aster 'Lady in Black' Cultivar / Large

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' ~ Calico Aster 'Lady in Black' Cultivar / Large

7 available
Ilex opaca ~ American Holly / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Ilex opaca ~ American Holly / Large

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Little Devil' ~ Common Ninebark 'Little Devil' Cultivar / Large Physocarpus_opulifolius_Wikimedia - CC 4.0.jpg

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Little Devil' ~ Common Ninebark 'Little Devil' Cultivar / Large

10 available
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' ~ Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Snow Queen' Cultivar / Large
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' ~ Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Snow Queen' Cultivar / Large

Lobelia+cardinalis.jpg Cardinal+Flower.jpg

Lobelia cardinalis ~ Cardinal Flower / Large

1 available