Deschampsia flexuosa ~ Wavy Hair Grass / Medium

Deschampsia flexuosa ~ Wavy Hair Grass / Medium

10 available
Erigeron_pulchellus-2.jpg Erigeron_pulchellus-1.jpeg

Erigeron pulchellus ~ Robin's Platain / Medium

28 available
Rubus occidentalis ~ Black Raspberry / Medium Rubus_occidentalis-2.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Rubus occidentalis ~ Black Raspberry / Medium


Agastache foeniculum ~ Anise Hyssop / Medium

19 available
Asclepias incarnata ~ Swamp Milkweed / Medium Swamp Milkweed.jpg

Asclepias incarnata ~ Swamp Milkweed / Medium

8 available
Lobelia cardinalis ~ Cardinal Flower / Medium Cardinal Flower.jpg

Lobelia cardinalis ~ Cardinal Flower / Medium

6 available
Opuntia humifusa ~ Prickly Pear Cactus / Medium LINPI_PlantSale_SpeciesSign_remaining 2020-page-013.jpg

Opuntia humifusa ~ Prickly Pear Cactus / Medium

10 available
Vernonia noveboracensis.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Vernonia noveboracensis ~ New York Ironweed / Medium

Cephalanthus occidentalis ~ Buttonbush / Medium Buttonbush.jpg

Cephalanthus occidentalis ~ Buttonbush / Medium

9 available
Gaylussacia baccata.jpg

Gaylussacia baccata ~ Black Huckleberry / Medium

3 available
Chrysopsis mariana ncsu.jpeg

Chrysopsis mariana ~ Maryland Golden Aster / Medium

3 available
Allium cernuum.PNG

Allium cernuum ~ Nodding Onion / Medium

8 available
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' ~ Moss Phlox 'Emerald Blue' Cultivar / Medium


Apios americana ~ Groundnut / Medium

5 available
Viola labradorica ~ Labrador Violet / Medium

Viola labradorica ~ Labrador Violet / Medium

24 available
Sedum ternatum ~ Stonecrop / Medium
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Sedum ternatum ~ Stonecrop / Medium

Carex crinita ~ Fringed sedge / Medium Carex_crinita_(Fringed_Sedge)_(26298830557).jpg

Carex crinita ~ Fringed sedge / Medium

4 available
Phlox Subtulata - Purple Beauty.jpg Phlox_stolonifera_Sherwood_Purple.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Phlox subulata 'Beauty of Ronsdorf' ~ Moss Phlox 'Beauty of Ronsdorf' Cultivar / Medium
