This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (www.rewildlongisland.org/plantsale)
Carex woodii ~ Wood's Sedge aka Pretty Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack

This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (www.rewildlongisland.org/plantsale)
Schizachyrium scoparium ~ Little Blue Stem / xSmall 5-Pack

This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (www.rewildlongisland.org/plantsale)
Andropogon gerardi ~ Big Blue Stem / xSmall 5-Pack

Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' ~ Smooth Penstemon 'Husker Red' Cultivar / xSmall 5-Pack
2 available

This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (www.rewildlongisland.org/plantsale)
Panicum virgatum ~ Switchgrass / xSmall 5-Pack