Carex woodii ~ Wood's Sedge aka Pretty Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Carex woodii ~ Wood's Sedge aka Pretty Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack

Achillea millefolium ~ Yarrow / xSmall 5-Pack Yarrow.jpg

Achillea millefolium ~ Yarrow / xSmall 5-Pack

4 available
Baptisia tinctoria.JPG

Baptisia tinctoria ~ Yellow Wild Indigo / xSmall 5-Pack

10 available
Lobelia siphilitica.jpg

Lobelia siphilitica ~ Great Blue Lobelia / xSmall 5-Pack

2 available
Penstemon digitalis.jpg

Penstemon digitalis ~ Foxglove Beardtongue / xSmall 5-Pack

9 available
Pycnanthemum muticum.jpg

Pycnanthemum muticum ~ Mountain Mint / xSmall 5-Pack

6 available
Carex grayi.jpg

Carex grayi ~ Mace Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack

1 available
Schizachyrium scoparium.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Schizachyrium scoparium ~ Little Blue Stem / xSmall 5-Pack

Andropogon gerardi ~ Big Blue Stem / xSmall 5-Pack Big Bluestem.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Andropogon gerardi ~ Big Blue Stem / xSmall 5-Pack

Coreopsis rosea ~ Pink Tickseed / xSmall 5-Pack

Coreopsis rosea ~ Pink Tickseed / xSmall 5-Pack

10 available
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' ~ Smooth Penstemon 'Husker Red' Cultivar / xSmall 5-Pack

Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' ~ Smooth Penstemon 'Husker Red' Cultivar / xSmall 5-Pack

2 available
Eutrochium dubium.PNG

Eutrochium dubium ~ Coastal Joe Pye Weed / xSmall 5-Pack

5 available
Eutrochium purpureum.PNG

Eutrochium purpureum ~ Purple Joe Pye Weed / xSmall 5-Pack

1 available
Helianthus angustifolius.PNG

Helianthus angustifolius ~ Swamp Sunflower / xSmall 5-Pack

6 available
Panicum virgatum ~ Switchgrass / xSmall 5-Pack Switchgrass.jpg
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Panicum virgatum ~ Switchgrass / xSmall 5-Pack


Rudbeckia laciniata ~ Cutleaf Coneflower / xSmall 5-Pack

6 available
Solidago nemoralis.PNG

Solidago nemoralis ~ Gray Goldenrod / xSmall 5-Pack

8 available
Carex appalachica ~ Appalachian Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack
This item is out of stock. Plants are periodically restocked. Please check on the plant sale page for the next restocking day. (

Carex appalachica ~ Appalachian Sedge / xSmall 5-Pack

Viola sororia ~ Common Blue Violet / xSmall 5-Pack

Viola sororia ~ Common Blue Violet / xSmall 5-Pack

3 available

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum ~ Calico Aster / xSmall 5-Pack

2 available